My very first attempt at knitting - a green scarf. I used Lions Brand Homespun, which I don't recommend for newbie yarners, as the bumpy look does not lend itself to figuring out which is a knit and which is a purl, and other newbie things one needs to pay attention to. Here it is, all rolled up.

Doesn't look that bad, does it? Almost like a candy sweet.
Here it is rolled out.

You will notice it is not long enough to be a scarf. Thats because towards the end there I was getting sick of the yarn, sick of the green, sick of the holes and the unraveling, and I decided I would resurrect an old crocheting project of mine (same story as knitting, tho hark back a few years and place me in a snowstorm, a michaels, and voila!), that didn't work out. I was getting sick of the green so I decided to try a stripe with the charcoal ex-crochet yarn. The scarf is a hodgepodge of garter, stockinette, purl-garter (why do i find purling much easier than knitting?), unraveling yarn, and then stripeage.
Note the yellow blob in the center. Stupid marginally-multi-color yarn.

See my holes. See the unraveling yarn. Really what happened is that the yarn raveled too much, and then much down the line it unraveled.