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February 03, 2007

Mr. Roboto

So I bought the first issue of Craft Magazine because of the knit robots on the cover:

The robot pattern promised inside, however, was not the one on the cover! How rude! So I went online, and discovered that the creator, Jess Hutch, does not sell the pattern anymore. *Grumble* That's ok, because I am now an accomplished knitter and can figure out how to do it myself. I mean, after my last two projects, I can do anything, right? Who cares if I've only read one pattern to date, and all I can do are knits and purls with basic yarn (hooray stockinette!).

Here is my first attempt, which I abandoned early:

I decided to make the head and the body two separate pieces and then sew them together (leaving live ends on both). You can see how well that turned out:

And of course, I also decided to take this time to try out ribbing. The ribbing turned out ok, but it didn't work for making even sides (I didn't count properly). Note the pointy right shoulder:

Attempt number two will try knitting it as all one piece.

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